The Wolf is at the door, garbage bag in hand

Because I Said So column for The Commercial Appeal

Feb. 3, 2011

“Pulp Fiction” came out in the fall of 1994 and Kristy and I went to see it at a theater in those carefree days before we had children. I don’t remember the specifics, but I’m sure there was dinner before (or maybe even after, it would have been so late!) and reckless spending on Junior Mints.

We had been married only a few months by then and had no reason to consider a sitter or whether the cost and time of dinner out would be economical. More than likely, there was no mention of outgrown school uniforms, science projects or upcoming birthday parties all evening.

In the movie, Harvey Keitel plays Winston “The Wolf” Wolfe, a man with the skill of cleaning up messy problems that no one else can handle.

Keitel is the cleaner and I am now The Wolf in our house … (read more)